Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) focus within the Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education
Promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure, 8/16/2023.
Coordinate the add-on licensure and certificate in Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) education at the undergraduate and graduate levels;
Responsible for developing and teaching 10 courses (GIFT 4000-4400 & GIFT 6000-6400); advising students; scheduling; facilitating website and material updates; recruitment and subsequent application facilitation/acceptance; and student retention and programmatic upkeep.
Developed new course series for AIG/gifted program (GIFT series from the previous SPED series), aligned to the NAGC-CEC standards and focused on diversity, equity, social justice, and belongingness throughout (2018-2019).
Developed Equity and Advocacy in Gifted and Talented Education (undergraduate) and Equity, Advocacy, and Leadership in Gifted and Talented Education (graduate) Certificates; two five-course (18 credit hour) certificates conferred by ECU in gifted education (2023-2024).
Teach graduate and undergraduate classes including:
ELEM 6010: Teaching the Integrated Language Arts (F2017)
MIDG 4010: Instructional Evaluation in the Middle Grades (F2017)
SPED 6402: Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted (S2018, 2019)
ELEM 6024: Supervised Internship in the Elementary Classroom (S2018)
SPED 6104: Introduction to Gifted Education (SM2018; included facilitating a summer gifted camp)
SPED 6403: Practicum in Gifted Education (SM2018; included facilitating a summer gifted camp; SM2019)
SPED 6401: Methods and Materials in Gifted Education (F2018)
ELEM 4300: Organization and Management in the Elementary School Classroom (F2018)
ELEM 3000: Curriculum and Standards in Elementary School (S2019; F2019; S2020)
ELEM 6200: Leading Curriculum Revision and Implementation (SM2019)
MIDG 6100: Young Adolescents, School and Community (SM2019, S2024)
GIFT 4000/6000: Diverse Gifted and Talented Children (F2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023; SM2023, 2024)
GIFT 4100/6100: Foundations of Gifted and Talented Education (S2020, 2021, 2022, 2024; SM2023, 2024)
GIFT 4200/6200: Instructional Practices in Gifted and Talented Education (F2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024)
GIFT 4300/6300: Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Gifted and Talented Education (S2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
MIDG 6300: Advanced Strategies in Teaching and Assessment in Middle School (F2019, 2020)
MIDG 6200: Curriculum Revision and Implementation at the Middle Grades (S2020)
ELEM 4400: Assessment for the Elementary School Educator (course co-creator; S2020, 2021, 2022; F2020, 2021, 2022)
ELEM 6400: Advanced Assessment and Teaching in the Elementary School (SM2020)
MIDG 4001: Organization, Management, and Motivation in the Middle Grades (SM2020)
TCHR 4001: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in the Elementary School (SM2020)
TCHR 4992: Residency II (S2021)
TCHR 4002: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in the Elementary School (SM2021)
ELEM 4324: Internship in the Elementary School (S2022)
TCHR 4004: Classroom Management and Adolescent Development in the K-12 School (SM2022)
TFA-LLEP: Teach for America Course- Learning and Leading in the Education Profession (F2022)
EDUC 4400: Foundations of School Learning, Motivation, and Assessment (SM2023)
GIFT 4400/6400: Special Topics in Gifted and Talented Education (F2024)

Taught the online graduate courses for graduate-level students pursuing a gifted endorsement, B/MT or MA degree using Collab and Canvas LMS platforms.
Courses: Differentiation (5 semesters, 2017-2019) and Curriculum (1 semester, 2017)

Ph.D. in Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership, January 2010
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Concentration in Gifted Education Administration and a Cognate in Higher Education Administration, Graduated with Honors
Dissertation: Gifted Collegians: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study of the Talent Development Process of Gifted Undergraduate Students, https://doi.org/10.25774/w4-0wya-6279
M.A. in Education, May 2006
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Educational Psychology Department, with a focus on Gifted Education
A.B. in Psychology and Elementary Education, May 1999
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Editor, 2023-present
Associate Editor, 2022-2023
Editorial Board Member, 2022-present
Ad Hoc Submission Reviewer, 2021-2022.
Board of Directors, Diversity, Equity, and Access Chair (2024-present)
Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Access Committee (2024-present)
Representative Assembly Member (Representative from TAG), Board of Directors, (2023-2024)
Membership Chair, Board of Directors, 2019-2023
Committee Member, Standards and Accreditation Committee (2018-2019)
Chair of Membership Committee (2019-2023)
Ad-Hoc Committee for Responsive Learning (2019-2021)
Ad-Hoc Committee for High Leverage Practices (2019-2021)
Chair of Ad-Hoc Committee for Legislative Policy Review (2022)
Proposal/Session Reviewer, 2020-2022
Member, Publications Committee
Founding Coordinator, Rural Gifted SIG
Program Chair, Professional Learning Network
Professional Learning Co-Chair, Special Populations Network
Founding Coordinator, Rural Gifted Special Interest Group (proposed Nov. 2018; approved by the Board March 2019; first meeting Nov. 2019; Rural Gifted SIG, 2019-present)
Member, Advisory Group National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students (2023, 2021); Convention Visioning Advisory Group (2021)
Co-Chair, Diversity and Equity Committee, Presidential Appointment (2019-2021, reappointed 2021-2023)
Committee Member, Public Policy and Advocacy Committee (2021-2022); Publications Committee (2023-present)
Professional Learning Chair, Special Populations Network (2018-present)
Program Chair, Professional Learning Network (2017-present); Chair and Past Chair (2015-2017; 2017-2019); Chair-Elect, Communications Chair and Newsletter Editor, Professional Development Network (2012-2015)
Submission Reviewer for Curriculum Studies, Special Populations, Social and Emotional, Professional Development, and Creativity Networks (2013- present)
Board of Directors, Treasurer
Board Member, Treasurer, (2023-present)
Board of Directors, President
President (2024-2026)
President Elect (July 2022-February 2024)
Founding Diversity and Access Chair, (February 2022-July 2022)
Delegate for the United States (Alternate) to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Assembly
Member, Advisory Council
Advisory Council Member, (2020-present)
DPI Liaison
DPI Liaison, 2023-present
Secretary, 2018- 2019
Co-Chair, 2019-2023
Sponsored by the NC Department of Public Instruction
(February 2022- present)
Editorial Review Board Member
Gifted Child Quarterly
Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity
Guest Editor, Special Issue on the Gifted Rural Learner, Theory and Practice in Rural Education
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Gifted Education International
Theory and Practice in Rural Education
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Roeper Review
Gifted Child Today
SENG Journal: Exploring the Psychology of Giftedness
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
Education Sciences
Berkeley Review of Education
Theory and Practice in Rural Education
ECU University, College, and Department Service
University of North Carolina System
Spring 2023 Inaugural Cohort of the UNC System Open Pedagogy Incubator, 10-week program through the UNC System Open Education Group
Faculty Senator, Representative of the College of Education, 2024-2026
Elected by the Faculty Senate to the ECU Honors College Faculty Advisory Committee, an administrative committee run through the Honors College (2023-2026)
Member, ECU Office of Equity and Diversity’s (ECU OED) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Researchers and Practitioners Guide
Member, ECU College of Education Curriculum Committee, ELMID Representative (2022-present)
ECU ELMID Department Personnel Committee (2018-2022, 2023-present)
ECU College of Education ELMID Department Service Activities (2017-present) including Upper Division Interviews, Open House, Recruitment Fairs, Scholarship Scoring, volunteering Commencement
ECU Department of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education (ELMID) Curriculum Committee (2017-2020, 2022-2023, Chair 2023-present)
Appointed as the Chair of the Faculty’s Representative on the University Studies Faculty Oversight Committee (2021-2023)
Member, Search Committees: Phoebe Moore Dail Distinguished Rural Professor (2021-2022), Elementary and Middle Grades Department Chair (2021-2022)
Chair, ECU College of Education Library Committee (2020-2021); Member, 2017- 2021
Fall 2021 Cohort of the BB&T Active Learning and Leadership Program through the ECU Office of Faculty Excellence
ECU College of Education Ad Hoc Diversity Committee (2020) for the Anti-Racism Statement
ECU ELMID Department Social Committee (2017-2019)
ECU College of Education AIG Coordinator (2018-present)
(lapsed memberships not listed)
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), 2004- present
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), 2008- present
Council for Exceptional Children, The Association for the Gifted (CEC-TAG), 2008- present
North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children, 2017- present
Kappa Delta Pi, Honor Society in Education, 2007- present
ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development), 2010- present
American Mensa, 2013- present
American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2018- present
North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented (NCAGT), 2018-present
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG), 2018- present
U.S. Play Coalition, 2019- present
Abolitionist Teaching Network, 2020-present
National Center for Institutional Diversity; Diversity Scholars Network, 2020- present
National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), 2020-present
North Carolina The Association for the Gifted (NC TAG), a division of Council for Exceptional Children, founding member, 2021- present
Black Student Achievement Association, 2023- present
American Psychological Association, 2024- present

Teacher training and retention of new teachers
Cultural competency, equity, and professional learning of gifted educators
Montessori and gifted pedagogies and practices
Rural gifted learners
Equity and social justice in gifted education
Equity and professional learning of gifted educators
Gifted and talented students in higher education and honors programs
Collegiate teaching through the lens of social justice and differentiation
Gifted multilingual students
Special populations of gifted students, focusing issues of equity and access
2e populations, specifically ADHD and anxiety
Disconnect between expertise and pedagogy in higher education

Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2022). Empowering gifted educators as change agents: A playbook for equity-driven professional learning. Routledge. [double anonymized peer reviewed by publisher]
Weber, C. L. & Novak, A. M. (Eds.). (2020). Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation: Essential understandings for gifted professional development in the content areas (Vol. 3). Prufrock Press/Routledge. [double anonymized peer reviewed through NAGC publications committee]
Novak, A. M., & Weber, C. L. (Eds.). (2019). Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation: Special topics for gifted professional development (Vol. 2). Prufrock Press/Routledge. [double anonymized peer reviewed through NAGC publications committee]
Novak, A. M., & Weber, C. L. (Eds.) (2018), Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation: Methods and strategies for gifted professional development (Vol.1). Prufrock Press/Routledge. [double anonymized peer reviewed through NAGC publications committee]
Peer Reviewed Chapters
(accepted) Novak, A. M. (2024). Student assessment, accountability, and access beyond testing and tracking: Gifted students and identification: Myth, stereotype, or reality? In M. C. Noraian & S. C. Piotrowski (Eds.). Hollywood or history: An inquiry-based strategy for using film, television, and documentaries to explore the teaching profession. Information Age.
(accepted) Novak, A. M. (2024). Classroom management- more than discipline: Creating an inclusive learner-centered classroom without management and discipline: Contextualizing gender and race through the lens of privilege and advantage. In M. C. Noraian & S. C. Piotrowski (Eds.). Hollywood or history: An inquiry-based strategy for using film, television, and documentaries to explore the teaching profession. Information Age.
Novak, A. M. (2024). Bringing PLCs to K-16: Student learning communities as a pivotal practice in authentic learning for talented youth. In J. Nyberg & J. Manzone (Eds.) Practices that promote innovation for talented students. (pp. 70-105). IGI Global.
Novak, A. M. & Anderson, B.A. (2024). Our world, our fight: Teaching advocacy and activism as a pivotal practice. In J. Nyberg & J. Manzone (Eds.) Practices that promote innovation for talented students. (pp. 23-49). IGI Global.
Novak, A. M. (2022). Not White saviors, but critical scholars: The need for gifted critical race theory. In J. Nyberg & J. Manzone (Eds.). Creating equitable services for the gifted: Protocols for identification, implementation, and evaluation (pp. 246-262). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8153-7.ch016 [open access]
Editorially Reviewed Chapters
(in press) Novak, A. M. (2023). Professional learning in STEM: Differentiating the standards in the classroom and beyond. In B. MacFarlane (Ed.). STEM education for high-ability learners: Designing and implementing programming (2nd Ed; pp. TBD). Routledge.
Novak, A. M. (2023). Ask, listen, and respond/act; Allow space to question, to vent, to be; Show what you know: Allow a ‘boring’ option; Our students are our joy. [Vignettes]. In T. F. Inman’s Educating the gifted: Wisdom & insights for inspired teaching. Routledge.
Weber, C. L., & Novak, A. M. (2022). Professional learning: A new look. In J. L. Roberts, T. F. Inman, & J. H. Robins (Eds.). Introduction to gifted education (2nd Ed; pp. 439-446). Routledge Press.
Jones, K.D., & Novak, A. M. (2020). It’s a marathon, not a sprint: Gifted professional learning and the change process from the administrator’s shoes. In C. L. Weber & A. M. Novak (Eds.). Professional learning and teacher preparation in gifted education: Professional development for teachers of the gifted in the content areas (Vol. 3; pp. 41-69). Prufrock Press/Routledge.
Lewis, K.D., & Novak, A. M. (2019). Identifying and supporting culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse gifted learners: Guiding teachers through the four zones of professional learning. In A. M. Novak & C. L. Weber (Eds.). Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation: Special topics for gifted professional development (Vol. 2; pp. 133-158). Prufrock Press/Routledge.
Novak, A. M. (2018). What works in professional learning for educators of the gifted: Findings from research and legislation. In A. Novak & C. Weber (Eds.), Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation: Methods and strategies for gifted professional development (Vol.1; pp 5-21). Prufrock Press/Routledge.
Novak, A. M., & Lewis, K.D. (2018). Tools of the trade: Finding the best fit for your professional learning needs. In A. Novak & C. Weber (Eds.), Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation: Methods and strategies for gifted professional development (Vol.1; pp 51-69). Prufrock Press/Routledge.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
(Provisional; In Revisions) Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. How professional learning impacts gifted educators’ perceptions and practices: A phased analysis of the four-zone equity driven model of professional learning. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. Previously published as a preprint: https://edarxiv.org/2hras/ (2023, April 11).
(Provisional; In Revisions) Novak, A. M. Black (gifted) joy: A critical race theory perspective. Roeper Review. Previously published as a preprint: https://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/xdpwr (2021, February 5).
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2023). Perceptions of a gifted coordinator on university/district collaboration providing culturally responsive gifted professional learning: A phased analysis of the four-zone equity driven model of professional learning. Journal for the Education of the Gifted 46(3), 276-315. https://doi.org/10.1177/01623532231180903 Previously published as a preprint: https://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/5wceu
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2022). Weaving kidlit into professional learning for gifted educators to shift perspectives and coach for equitable practices. Gifted Education International, 38(2), 309-328. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261429422107808. Previously published as a preprint: Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2021, February 7). KidLit infused professional learning: Focusing on equity through stories. https://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/vs37w
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2022). A methodological approach to designing a theory: The journey of the four-zone professional learning model. The Roeper Review 44(1), p. 49-62. https://doi.org/10.1080/02783193.2021.2005206 Previously published as a preprint: (2021, February 21) https://edarxiv.org/a97vm/
Novak, A. M. & Jones, K. D. (2021). Gatekeepers in gifted: A case study of the disproportionality of gifted black youth in elementary program. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 24(2), p. 64-80. https://doi.org/10.1177/1555458920976736
Lewis, K. D., Novak, A. M., & Weber, C. L. (2020). Using case studies to develop equity-driven professional learning for gifted educators. Gifted Child Today 43(4), p. 239-251. https://doi.org/10.1177/1076217520940736
Novak, A. M., Lewis, K. D., & Weber, C. L. (2020). Guiding principles in developing equity-driven professional learning for educators of gifted students. Gifted Child Today 43(3), p.169-183. https://doi.org/10.1177/1076217520915743
Lewis, K. D., Novak, A. M, & Coronado, J. (2015). Teachers’ perceptions of characteristics of gifted Hispanic Bilingual students: Perspectives from the border.” Texas Forum of Teacher Education, 5, 71-91. https://www.txate.org/resources/Documents/2015-forum-vol5-final.pdf
Additional Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Novak, A. M. (2024). The editorial word: Praxis [Editorial]. Journal of Advanced Academics, 35(2), TBD. https://doi.org/10.1177/1932202X241237896
Novak, A. M. (2024). The editorial word: Thrive [Editorial]. Journal of Advanced Academics, 35(2), TBD. https://doi.org/10.1177/1932202X241237901
Novak, A. M. (2024). The editorial word: Pattern [Editorial]. Journal of Advanced Academics, 35(1), 186-191. https://doi.org/10.1177/1932202X231225280
Novak, A. M. (2024). The editorial words: Voice and agency [Editorial]. Journal of Advanced Academics, 35(1), 3-5. https://doi.org/10.1177/1932202X231225279
Novak, A. M. (2022). Peter Parker principle: From white privilege to gifted critical discourse [Editorially reviewed commentary on target article]. Gifted Child Today, 66(2) 128-129. https://doi.org/10.1177/00169862211037704 Previously published as a preprint: Novak, A. (2021, June 21). Peter Parker, white supremacy, and equity: The need for gifted critical race theory. https://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/cgm3n
Novak, A. M. (2020). Gifted rural learners: Exploring power, place and privilege with a focus on promising practices [Editorial introduction as guest editor]. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(2), p. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3776/tpre.2020.v10n2p1-10
Editorially Reviewed Articles
Novak, A. M. (2021, March). Play in the time of crisis. Parenting for High Potential, 10(1) p. 17-18, 20. [Invited].
Novak, A. M. & Miller*, M. M. (2020, November). Intersectionality, rurality, and identity: Supporting gifted students through place-based curricula. Teaching for High Potential, p. 10-13. [Invited].
Novak, A. M. (2020). Armchair dogma: What it is and why we believe. Gifted Education Review, 6 (p.1-3). [Invited].
Lewis, K. D., Novak, A. M., & Weber, C. L. (2018). Where are gifted students of color? Case studies outline strategies to increase diversity in gifted programs. The Learning Professional, 39(4), p. 50-58.
Novak, A. (2013). A unique perspective on the emotional needs of gifted students: Dabrowski’s overexcitablities. Understanding Our Gifted, 25(2), 20-25. [Invited].
Scholarly Outreach (Newsletters, Guest Blogs, Podcasts)
Novak, A. M. (2022, July). Equity in the time of covid. TAG Update, Council for Exceptional Children-The Associate for the Gifted newsletter, p. 4-7.
Novak, A. M. (2022, November). When professionals need to learn: Responding to 2022. Mosaic. A Newsletter of the Special Populations Network of NAGC. The PLC: Professional Learning Corner.
Novak, A. M. & Gray, A. (2022, November). From the Editors. Mosaic. A Newsletter of the Special Populations Network of NAGC.
Novak, A. M. (2022, May). Access to the academy: Who am I? Delving into double consciousness (the imposter syndrome). NCAGT Spring Newsletter, North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented, Thoughts from an Institute of Higher Education column. p. 13-17.
Novak, A. M. & Floyd, E. F. (2021, Fall). Meet and greet the new PL Co-Chair and I-URGGE. Mosaic. A Newsletter of the Special Populations Network of NAGC. The PLC: Professional Learning Corner.
Novak, A. M. (2021, Spring). Online convention: Use it or lose it! Mosaic. A Newsletter of the Special Populations Network of NAGC. The PLC: Professional Learning Corner column.
Novak, A. M. (2019, Fall). The golden “training” ticket: NAGC as a professional learning experience. Mosaic. A Newsletter of the Special Populations Network of NAGC. The PLC: Professional Learning Corner column. p. 5-8.
Weber, C. L., Novak, A. M., & Lewis, K. D. (2018). What’s in a name? Professional development vs. professional learning. NAGC Insider, National Association for Gifted Children.
Guest Blogs
Novak, A. M. (2021, February 22). #playequity – Childhood Freedom to Play is Unfair [blog]. Pure Play Every Day, Inc.
Novak, A. M. (2020, October 16). Play is learning: Cognitive development [blog]. Pure Play Every Day, Inc.
Novak, A. M. (2020, September 23). Play is learning: Social development [blog]. Pure Play Every Day, Inc.
Novak, A. M. (2019, November 7). Best practices in professional learning: Author Q & A [blog]. Prufrock Press.
Invited Guest on Podcasts
Jacobs, L. (Host). (2023, July 19). Teaching the gifted 2023: It’s an equity question. [Audio podcast episode]. In Education Talk Radio Podcast. American Consortium for Equity in Education.
Eakins, S. (Host). (2023, January 26). Addressing inequities in gifted programs (No. 36). [Video podcast episode]. In The Art of Advocacy.
Campbell, D. (Host). (2021, November 11). Answering the "but why" questions of gifted and talented children (No. 13). [Video podcast episode]. In AAGT Informs.
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
-Nelson Mandela

2024 Distinguished Service Award recipient for The Association for the Gifted of North Carolina, a division of the North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children.
Service Award Recipient from the National Association for Gifted Children for service as Chair of the Diversity and Equity Committee, 2019-2023
Paper selected for the 2023 ECU College of Education Faculty Research Showcase, Research and Creative Achievement Week.
ECU Faculty Alternative Textbook Award Recipient, 2023
Paper selected as a Runner Up for the 2021 ECU College of Education Faculty Research Showcase, Research and Creative Achievement Week.
EOSA Scholar, 2021 ECU Engagement and Outreach Scholars Academy Scholar (EOSA); Awarded December 2020; scholarship and community engagement from Spring 2021 through Spring 2022
Best Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation Vol 1 listed by Book Authority as a top 100 best Professional Development books and ebooks
ECU Faculty Author Book Award Recipient: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2023

Peer Reviewed Conference Sessions
Gallagher, J. L., Howard, C. M., Lynch, J., Novak, A. M., Cherry, S., & Cuthrell, M. K. (2024, March)75. Dialogue, planning, action and again: The iterative process of creating a rural educational justice framework and program in America’s Black Belt. [Roundtable Session]. Association of Teacher Educators. Anaheim, CA.
Novak, A. M. (2024, March 15)73. Cultivating genius, unearthing joy: Transforming talent development with RULE & Gholdy Muhammad’s HRL. [Concurrent session]. The North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented: Building the Future Together 49th Annual Conference. Greensboro, NC. Slides.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2024, March 13)72. Equitable gifted programs: Opening windows, mirrors, & sliding glass doors. [Concurrent Session]. Council for Exceptional Children 2024 Convention and Expo. San Antonio, Texas.
Gallagher, J. L., Howard, C., Cherry, S., Cuthrell, M. K., & Novak, A. M. (2024, February 17)71. Creating a rural teacher education framework in America’s Black belt. [Poster Session]. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Denver, Colorado.
Novak, A. M., Dash*, L., Connors*, T. (2024, February 24)70. Amplifying excellence: Proactive strategies for supporting academically gifted learners from underrepresented groups [Panel Session]. North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children 37th Annual Conference Empowering Educators: Evidence-Based Practices for Exceptional Learners. Raleigh, NC.
Novak, A. M. (2024, February 23)69. Equity-centered and trauma-informed: Meeting the needs of 2e and 3e students from displaced families. [Virtual Live Concurrent Session]. William and Mary 2e Conference. Williamsburg, Virginia & Virtual. Slides. Revised and updated from the Twice-Exceptional Teacher Education International Hybrid Conference. Cleveland, Ohio & Virtual on October 14, 202365. [Concurrent Session].
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2023, November 10)68. Child, refugee, gifted learner: Supporting students holistically after trauma. [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children 70th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida. Slides. Updated from the World Conference on the Gifted and Talented, August 4-13, 202363. [Recorded Concurrent Session].
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2023, November 11)67. Limited time, but a surplus of goals? Maximize your professional learning! [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children 70th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Slade, M. & Novak, A. M. (2023, September 28)66. Nurturing cultural identity with diverse gifted learners. [Virtual Live Concurrent Session, Recorded for Playback]. Council for Exceptional Children Professional Development Fair. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2023, October 13)64. Equity in gifted programming through the four zones equity-driven professional learning model. [Roundtable Session]. Twice-Exceptional Teacher Education International Hybrid Conference. Cleveland, Ohio & Virtual.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2023, August 4-13)62. Cultural awareness, teacher agency, leadership: Equity-driven professional learning. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2023, August 4-13)61. Understanding the guiding principles of equity-driven professional learning. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented. Virtual.
Novak, A. M., & Lewis, K. D. (2023, April 13)60. The impact of targeted professional learning on educators’ equity perceptions and practices: A phased analysis of the four-zone equity driven model of professional learning. [Roundtable Session with iposter]. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Lewis K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2023, March 1)59. Guiding principles for equity driven professional learning for gifted teachers. [Multi-Presentation Session]. Council for Exceptional Children 2023 Convention and Expo. Louisville, KY
Novak, A. M. & Lewis K. D. (2022, November 17-20)58. Developing equity-driven professional learning for educators of gifted & talented children. [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children 69th Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN.
Lewis K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2022, November 17-20)57. Greater gaps in asynchronous development: Returning to school post-covid. [National Conference Session]. National Association for Gifted Children 69th Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN.
Novak, A. M. (2022, April 21)56. Not White saviors, but critical scholars: The need for gifted critical race theory. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. [Paper Session].
Novak, A. M. (2022, April 3)55. A tree grows in Brooklyn: Equity and play. U.S. Play Coalition Annual Conference, Clemson, SC. [Concurrent Session; Recorded for online reboot]
Novak, A. M. (2022, March 25-27)54. Framing gifted education through the lens of critical race theory. [Live Virtual Concurrent Session]. California Association for the Gifted. 60th Annual Conference, virtual event.
Lewis K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2021, November 10-13)53. Cozy up with kidlit: Delving into courageous conversations with gifted students. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children. Virtual and In-Person Conference, Denver, CO. Recorded session for six-month playback.
Lewis K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2021, November 10-13)52. Gifted educators as change agents: A playbook for equity-driven professional learning. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session National Association for Gifted Children. Virtual and In-Person Conference, Denver, CO.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2021, November 10-13)51. Windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors in a gifted classroom. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children. Virtual and In-Person Conference, Denver, CO.
Levi Altstaedter, L. & Novak, A. M. (2021, November 11-12)50. Hispanic/Latinx community perceptions of and responses to inequitable gifted programming. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. National Forum to Advance Rural Education. Virtual. Slides.
Novak, A. M. & Weber, C. W. (2021, August 3)49. Best practices in professional learning and teacher preparation. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented. Virtual.
Lewis, K. D., Novak, A. M. & Weber, C. W. (2021, August 3)48. The seven guiding principles of equity-driven professional learning for gifted teachers. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented. Virtual.
Novak, A. M., Lewis, K. D. & Weber, C. W. (2021, August 3)48. Incorporating case studies in equity-driven professional learning with educators of gifted children. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented. Virtual.
Novak, A. M., & Taylor, S. E. (2021, June)47. Eduspeak and play: Surviving the wolf at the door while keeping play alive & well in your classroom [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. US Play Coalition Conference. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2021, June)46. Equity and play: Surviving and thriving [Pre-Recorded Concurrent Session]. US Play Coalition Conference, Virtual.
Lewis, K. D., & Novak, A. M. (2021, March 13)45. Guiding principles for equity driven professional learning for gifted teachers [Multi-Presentation Session, Pre-Recorded, On Demand]. Council for Exceptional Children 2021 Convention and Expo. Virtual.
Novak, A. M., & Lewis, K. D. (2021, March 13)44. Four zones of professional learning: Fostering equity in gifted programs [Multi-Presentation Session, Pre-Recorded, On Demand]. Council for Exceptional Children 2021 Convention and Expo. Virtual.
Hughes, C., Troxclair, D., Novak, A., Dailey, D., Buchanan, M, & Weber, C. (2021, March 12)43. Adapting high leverage practices for 2e: Implications for practice and research [TAG Showcase Demonstration Session, Pre-Recorded, On Demand]. Council for Exceptional Children 2021 Convention and Expo. Virtual.
Gallagher, J. L. & Novak, A. M. (2021, February 25)42. Cultivating teacher knowledge of equity and assessment in an online course [Pre-Recorded Future Casting Session]. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2020, November 13)41. Flow: More than creativity, it’s play! [Breakout session for live Q&A during conference; Pre-recorded, On Demand]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined. Virtual.
Lewis, K. D., Novak, A. M., & Weber, C. L. (2020, November 14)40. Guiding principles for culturally responsive professional learning for gifted teachers. [Breakout session for live Q&A during conference; Recorded, On Demand]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2020, November 17-20)39. Crafting culturally responsive gifted classrooms: A window and mirror view [Pre-recorded, On-demand Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined. Virtual.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2020, November 17-20)38. Boosting the cultural competence of gifted teachers: Learning via literature, [Pre-recorded, On-demand Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined. Virtual.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2020, November 17-20)37. Four zones of professional learning: Fostering equity in gifted programs, [Pre-recorded, On-demand Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2019, March 31)36. How principles in play connect to gifted pedagogy [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. U.S. Play Coalition. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2019, March 31)35. Playing the eduspeak game: Tips on aligning lessons with play principles. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session]. U.S. Play Coalition. Virtual.
Mitro*, W, & Novak, A. M. (2019, March 5)34. A field of connections: Montessori and AIG [Accepted Concurrent Session] North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Novak, A. M. (2019, March 5)33. Focusing on equity and access in AIG [Concurrent Session]. North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Novak, A. M. & Taylor, S. E. (2019, March 6)32. Focus on play: Connecting play to gifted pedagogy [Concurrent Session]. North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Gilson, C. & Novak, A. M. (2018, March 6)31. Re-envisioning AIG professional learning practices [Concurrent Double Session]. North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC. Handouts.
Brigandi, C. & Novak, A. M. (2019, November 7-10)30. Enrich or accelerate: Making connections that bridge the two conceptual foundations [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2019, November 7-10)29. Beyond conferences: How teachers can engage parents & communities via professional learning [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2019, November 7-10)28. Mirrors & windows: Ensuring gifted programs reflect the community while exploring the world [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM.
Novak, A. M., & Taylor, S. E. (2019, November 7-10)27. Don’t forget to play! How principles in play connect to gifted pedagogy [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM. Revised and updated from personal/solo session at Creativity and Technology Conference- Fostering Creativity in the Digital Age, Western Carolina University at Biltmore Park, Asheville, NC (2019, March 30, 2019)21 [Concurrent Session].
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2019, November 7-10)26. Increasing multicultural competence of gifted teachers using children’s literature. [National concurrent session] National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2019, July 24-28)25. Guiding the gatekeepers: Using professional learning to promote equity and access in K12 gifted education, [Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented, Nashville, TN.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2019, July 24-28)24. Professional learning and families: Working with teachers to create learning opportunities for parents [Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented, Nashville, TN.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2019, July 24-28)23. Reading rainbow remix: Fostering cultural competence of gifted teachers through literature in professional learning settings [Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented, Nashville, TN.
MacFarlane, B., Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2019, July 24-28)22. Practical programming for rural gifted teachers and administrators [Concurrent Session]. World Conference on the Gifted and Talented, Nashville, TN.
Novak, A. M. (2019, March 7)20. Weaving AIG into cultural agility [Concurrent Session]. North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2018, November 16)19. Equity and access in K-12 gifted and the need for targeted professional learning for teachers [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Minneapolis, MN. Revised and updated from NAGC in Charlotte, NC, November 10, 201717 and Orlando, FL, November 4, 201614.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2018, November 16)18. Using literature in professional learning to raise multicultural competence of gifted teachers [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN. Revised and updated from NAGC in Charlotte, NC, November 10, 201716 [Concurrent Session].
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2017, November 11)15. Gifted across cultures: Reaching every child, every day [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC. Revised and updated from NAGC in Phoenix, AZ, November 14, 201511 [Concurrent Session].
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2016, November 4)13. Meeting the social and emotional needs of gifted Hispanic and bilingual youth [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Orlando, FL.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2015, November 13)12. Hispanic and bilingual are not synonyms: Considerations from the border. [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Phoenix, AZ.
Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2015, November 13)10. Equity and access in gifted programming for Hispanic youth: Targeted professional development for teachers [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Phoenix, AZ.
Novak, A. M. & Vieillard, K. (2013, November 9)9. Top ten lessons learned in 29 years of gifted summer programming [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2012, November 15-18)8. Online teacher training: Research to real world [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Denver, CO.
Novak, A. M. (2012, March 9)7. Curriculum compacting as a practical tool for differentiation. [Concurrent Session]. New Jersey Association for Gifted Children Conference, Somerset, NJ. Revised and updated from National Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, GA (November 12, 2010)6 [Poster Session]; Revised and updated from National Curriculum Network Conference, Williamsburg, VA (March 11-13, 2009)1 [Concurrent Session].
Novak, A. M. (2012, March 10). Overexcitabilities and the gifted child [Concurrent Session]. New Jersey Association for Gifted Children Conference, Somerset, NJ.
Novak, A. M. (2010, November)5. Underachievement: Who? what? when? where? why? And how to help! [Concurrent Session]. Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Education in New York State (AGATE), College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY.
Novak, A. M. (2010, February 10)4. Curriculum compacting as a practical tool for differentiation [Concurrent Session]. North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Rose, V. C. & Novak, A. M. (2009, November 5-8)3. Social-Emotional 101: An overview of the issues [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, St. Louis, MO.
Novak, A. M. (2009, October 28-November 1)2. Talent development and honors programs: What do we know? [Concurrent Session]. National Collegiate Honors Council 2009 Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
Invited Conference Sessions and Speaking Engagements
Novak, A. M. (2023, February 24)50. Give light: Creating sustainable change in gifted and talented education. [Feature Speaker Session]. California Association for the Gifted 62nd Annual Conference. Virtual. Slides.
Cross, J. R., Johnsen, S. K., Robins, J. H., Cohen, S. B., & Novak, A. M. (2023, November 10)49. What gifted journal editors say. [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children 70th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Novak, A. M., & Robinson, Y. (2023, August 2)48. Be love! Creating an equitable and culturally responsive space for Black and Brown gifted students who have experienced unhousing, displacement, fostering, and more. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session with Live Chat]. National Association for Gifted Children National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Online Event. Slides. Video.
Novak, A. M., & Gothard, A. (2023, August 1)47. Advocacy, laws, & educators’ rights. [Roundtable]. National Association for Gifted Children National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Online Event.
Novak, A. M. (2023, July 15)46. Unleashing genius–Transforming talent development with Gholdy Muhammad's HRL framework. [Concurrent Session]. North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children 2023 Exceptional Learner Summit: Igniting Passion: Empowering Teachers to Inspire Students. Wake Forest, NC. Slides.
Novak, A. M., Dash*, L., Connors*, T. (2023, July 15)45. Amplifying excellence: Proactive strategies for supporting academically gifted learners from underrepresented groups–A panel discussion [Panel Session]. North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children 2023 Exceptional Learner Summit. Wake Forest, NC.
Novak, A. M. (2023, March 1)44. Building capacity. [Moderator of Multi-Presentation Session]. Council for Exceptional Children 2023 Convention and Expo. Louisville, KY.
Novak, A. M. (2023, February 23)43. FLOW is more than creativity, it’s play [Pre-Recorded Concurrent Session]. NC CEC 37th Annual Conference. Hybrid Event. Updated from the NC CEC Fall Exceptional Learner Summit (October 15, 2022)38. [Pre-recorded Concurrent Session; Served as a conference facilitator]; Revised and updated from North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented (March 4-5, 2021)24. Flow: More than creativity, it’s play [Highlight Session, pre-recorded].
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2023, February 23)42. Windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors in a gifted classroom. [Pre-Recorded Concurrent Session]. NC CEC 37th Annual Conference. Hybrid Event
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2023, February 23)41. Gifted educators as change agents: A playbook for equity-driven professional learning. [Pre-Recorded Concurrent Session]. NC CEC 37th Annual Conference. Hybrid Event
Novak, A. M., Teske, J., Lewis, K. D., Weber, C. L., Malvin, L., & Lee, M. (2022, November 17-20)40. Virtual professional learning communities: Using book studies to develop equity. [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.
Glass*, T., Gray, A., Novak, A. M., Nyberg, J., & Whiting, G. W. (2022, November 17-20)39. Get engaged with the DEC on a Saturday afternoon with an equity PLC. [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2022, October 15)37. Windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors in a gifted classroom. [Pre-Recorded Concurrent Session]. NC CEC Fall Exceptional Learner Summit. Served as a conference facilitator.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2022, October 15)36. Gifted educators as change agents: A playbook for equity-driven professional learning. [Pre-Recorded Concurrent Session]. NC CEC Fall Exceptional Learner Summit. Served as a conference facilitator.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2022, August 17)35. Equitable professional learning for gifted education. [Synchronous Closing General Session]. Second Annual National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Virtual Conference.
Novak, A. M. (2022, March 11)34. Centering gifted students of the global majority in the classroom. [Live Virtual Concurrent Session]. North Carolina Association of the Gifted and Talented. Virtual.
Novak, A. M., Whiting, G. W., Nyberg, J. L., & Ford, D. Y. (2021, November 12)33. From “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks” to critical race theory: Disrupting inequity in action. [Synchronous Hybrid Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children. Virtual and In-Person Conference, Denver, CO.
Castellano, J. A., Brulles, D. M., Ford, D. Y., Grantham, T. C., Kirsch, L. B., Segota, J., Novak, A. M., & Whiting, G. W. (2021, November 12)32. Outcomes from the NAGC national symposium on equity for Black and Brown gifted students. [Synchronous Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children. Hybrid Conference, Denver, CO.
Novak, A. M., & Whiting, G. W. (2021, November 17)31. Critical race theory: Where does it fit in gifted education? [Synchronous Table Talk]. National Association for Gifted Children. Hybrid Conference, Denver, CO.
Novak, A. M., Wood, J. L, & Gentry, M. (2021, August 12)30. What’s next workshops: Equity for Black and Brown gifted students. Part I-implicit bias, microaggressions, D3 model. [Synchronous Workshop]. National Association for Gifted Children’s National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Virtual. Organizer and Workshop Facilitator.
Novak, A. M. & Lewis, K. D. (2021, August 12)29. Shifting the field and committing to antiracism: Action steps for allies, accomplices, and co-conspirators to change minds, policies, and practices. [Synchronous Workshop]. National Association for Gifted Children’s National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Virtual. Organizer and Workshop Facilitator.
Novak, A. M. & Lin*, J. (2021, August 12)28. Leading for change: Implementing equity ideas, creating diverse spaces, ensuring true belongingness, and working towards social justice. [Synchronous Workshop]. National Association for Gifted Children’s National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Virtual. Organizer and Workshop Facilitator.
Novak, A. M. & Levi Alstaedter, L. (2021, August 12)27. What’s next workshops: Equity for Black and Brown gifted students. Part II-communication and collaboration in equity. [Synchronous Workshop]. National Association for Gifted Children’s National Symposium on Equity for Black and Brown Gifted Students. Virtual. Organizer and Workshop Facilitator.
Novak, A. M. (2021, June 15-17)26. Equity work: Recognizing whiteness [Synchronous 3-day 90-minute Workshop]. The Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Symposium. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2021, June 15-17)25. Play: The work of childhood [Synchronous 3-day 90-minute Workshop]. The Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Symposium. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2021, March 4-5)23. Fostering equity through professional learning [Highlight session, pre-recorded]. North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented Conference, Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (2021, January 11)22. Develop a plan to address inequities [Pre-Recorded Concurrent session]. The Art of Advocacy, Leading Equity Virtual Summit. Virtual.
Novak, A. M. (moderator) (2020, November 17)22. Rural gifted education: Promising practices [Synchronous, recorded for on-demand, Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined, Virtual.
Weber, C. L. & Novak, A. M. (2020, November 17-20)21. Professional development for teachers of the gifted in the content areas, [Panel session, pre-recorded, on-demand]. National Association for Gifted Children, Reimagined, Virtual.
Novak, A. M., Weber, C. L., Lewis, K.D., Davis, J., Friedrichs, T., Shaklee, B., Bland, L., & Fugate, C. M. (2019, November 7-10)20. Best practices in professional learning: Strategies for special populations and topics in gifted education [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM.
Novak, A. M., Brulles, D., Brown, K., Lee, M. & Fogarty, E. (2019, November 10)19. Getting our kicks on Route 66: Navigating the path of professional learning [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, NM.
Novak, A. M. (2019, March 8)18. Challenges- and potential solutions- to AIG identification in rural schools [Concurrent Session, presented twice]. North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Novak, A. M., Weber, C. L, Brigandi, C., McIntosh, J., Fogarty, E., Gilson, C., Croft, L., Miller, M., & Lewis, K. (2018, November 17)17. Best practices in professional learning and teacher development [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.
Novak, A. M., Brown, K., Brulles, D., Phelps, C. & Fogarty, E. (2018, November 18)16. Professional learning: What’s the best option for my district? [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.
Novak, A. M. (2018, July 19-21)15. Gifted across cultures: Reaching every child, every day [Symposium Workshop]. 10th Annual Hormel Gifted Education Symposium, Austin, MN.
Novak, A. M. (2018, July 19-21.)14 Social and emotional needs of gifted students [Symposium Workshop]. 10th Annual Hormel Gifted Education Symposium, Austin, MN.
Phelps, C., Croft, L., Fogarty, E. & Novak, A. M. (2016, November 5)13. Lightning talks: Innovative and collaborative professional development exemplars [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children Convention, Orlando, FL.
Brulles, D., Croft, L., Kirsch, L., Lewis, K., Novak, A., Phelps, C., & Weber, C. (2016, November 6)12. Imagining the possibilities: Effective teacher preparation in gifted education [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children Convention, Orlando, FL.
Gentry, M. Collins, K. H., Phelps, C., Brulles, D., Fogarty, E., Novak, A. (2015, November 13)12. Effective professional development practices that honor the whole child in underserved populations [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children, Phoenix, AZ.
Phelps, C., Brulles, D., MacIntosh, J., Collins, K. H., Gentry, M., Fogarty, E., & Novak, A. M. (2014, November 16)11. Special interest groups and professional development [Panel Session]. National Association for Gifted Children Convention, Baltimore, MD.
Greene, M. & Novak, A. M. (2012, February 28)10. College planning for gifted students [Webinar]. National Society for the Gifted and Talented, Stamford, CT.
Novak, A. M. (2011, October 2)9. The perplexing problem of perfectionism. [Concurrent Session]. Scholar Search, Boston University, Boston, MA.
Novak, A. M. (2011, March 5-6)8. The struggle for excellence: Working with perfectionism [Concurrent Session]. Parents of Gifted Offspring (POGO), Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ.
Novak, A. M. (2010, October 30-31)7. An introduction to social and emotional needs of gifted students: Asynchrony, overexcitabilities and perfectionism [Concurrent Session]. Parents of Gifted Offspring (POGO), Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ.
Novak, A. M. (2010, October 17)6. Overexcitability and the gifted child [Concurrent Session]. Scholar Search, Boston University, Boston, MA. Revised and updated from a session conducted at Virginia Association for the Gifted Twelfth Conference, Williamsburg, VA: October 27, 20073 [Concurrent Session].
Novak, A. M. (2009, December 1)9. Strategies for working with perfectionism, motivation, or overexcitabilities [Affiliate Meeting Presentation]. Westchester-Putnam Chapter of Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Education in New York State (WPAGATE), Soundview Preparatory, Yorktown Heights, NY. Revised and updated from Essex County Public School’s Exceptional Children’s Family Fun Night, Tappahannock, VA, February 21, 20084 [Family Night Presentation].
Novak, A. M. (2009, March 21)5. Strategies for working with gifted children with special social and emotional needs [Parents’ Meeting Presentation]. Gifted Department Parents’ Day, Spotsylvania Public Schools, Spotsylvania, VA.
Novak, A. M. (2006, October 30)2. Tiered assignments as a differentiation tool [Concurrent session]. Norfolk Public Schools All Staff Development Day, Norfolk, VA. Revised and updated from a session conducted at Maury High School In-Service, Norfolk, VA, November 20, 20061 [Teacher In-service].

Lifelong Learning
Professional Experience
Manager, Advanced and Enriched Instruction, DC Public Schools
Washington, DC (1/2015-8/2017)
Manage the advanced offerings for DC Public School students in the elementary grades, including School-wide Enrichment Model sites.
Manage the Summer Enrichment Program at three sites, including hiring and training staff, recruiting students, and managing day-to-day operations.
Write curriculum for advanced reading and experiential learning units.
Work with schools and teachers via professional development and individual coaching to best meet the needs of advanced students.
Manage outside curriculum (Junior Great Books and Project M2 and M3 Math), including ordering materials and training teachers.
Scorer, edTPA Pearson
Remote Employee, (1/2014-5/2015)
Scored education portfolios for Pearson’s edTPA project.
Worked with the content area of elementary education, including literacy and mathematics.
Academic Director, Summer Institute for the Gifted
Stamford, CT (8/2009-5/2014)
Hired as Program Supervisor for Academics in 2009; transitioned to Program Director for Academics in 2010 and to Academic Director in 2011.
Supervisor for academic program for residential, day, afterschool, and weekend programs; developed courses for all programs.
Site supervisor for variety of residential summer camps, day summer camps and Saturday programs; responsible for hiring staff, marketing programs, and facilitating positive relationships between the host campuses and the program; served as on-site Director during one residential session.
Created the online program for SIG Beyond and taught in the program’s first session.
Created and taught the online Instructor Certification Program, a three-week intensive online professional development program for SIG instructors.
Teaching Experience
Gifted Teacher and TAG Lead, Newport News Public Schools
Newport News, VA (8/2007 to 6/2009)
Taught third grade with an identified homogeneous class of TAG students.
Trained Mentor for first-year and newly hired teachers to the district.
Served as TAG Lead Teacher; responsible for representing TAG teachers at school-level meetings, as well as conducting vertical team meetings with the TAG teachers.
Member of the 21st Century Technology Team, Data Team, School-Based Management Team and Social Committee.
Served as a Cooperating Teacher for a Student Teacher from James Madison University (Spring, 2008)
Graduate Assistant, The College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA (Various, 2006-2008)
Worked at the Center for Gifted Education in a variety of capacities including administrative support, editing, and conference assistance. (Summer, 2006)
Worked in the Instructional Technology Department of the School of Education: created tools for the static home page for the undergraduate research blog and assisted undergraduate students in creating research blogs. (Summer, 2008)
Taught various Saturday/Summer Enrichment courses for up to 17 gifted children; “Digging Up a Dinosaur”, for pre-kindergarten through first grade, “Towers and Bridges” for grades three through five, and “Psychology” for grades seven through ten. (Spring, Summer, 2007)
Gifted Resource Teacher, Norfolk Public Schools
Norfolk, VA (8/2006-6/2007)
Worked as a resource to middle school teachers, assisting in planning for differentiation, conducting professional development, co-teaching, and modeling lessons.
Taught two courses in the Arts and Sciences after school program, “Making a Documentary” and “Drama: Improvisational Theater”; Coordinated the Arts and Sciences program at the school level.
Gifted Teacher, Windsor Public Schools
Windsor, CT (8/2005-6/2006)
Taught students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades in a pullout program for children identified gifted in Language Arts.
Coached the Mock Trial Team and Knowledge Master Open Team. Facilitated the Debate Enrichment Cluster and the Lego Robotics Enrichment Cluster.
Gifted Teacher, Region Four Supervision District
Chester, Deep River and Essex, CT (10/2004-6/2005)
Worked with students in grades one through six in three elementary schools as the gifted and talented teacher in a pullout program.
Served as Coach for three Math Counts teams, two Debate teams, an Odyssey of the Mind team, a Math Olympiad team and a Knowledge Master Open team.
Teacher, Hampton City Schools
Hampton, VA (8/1999-6/2003)
Taught full day kindergarten, second, third and fourth grades, including a mainstreamed special education, an inclusion special education and a gifted cluster class.
Organized and taught in before- and after-school programs targeting children in need of additional instruction.
Served as the United Way Coordinator, Odyssey of the Mind Coach, and Case Manager for Special Education.